Logos of Burners from Other Countries
I list the wick knob logos of European (except Germany) and American burners in this subchapter sorted by country (in alphabetical order).
Wick Knob Logos of American Burners
Wick Knob Logos of Belgian Burners
Wick Knob Logos of British Burners
Wick Knob Logos of French Burners
Wick Knob Logos of Austrian Burners
R. Ditmar in Vienna almost single-handedly dominated the lamp industry of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy. This world-famous company also created a logo that was used for decades with minor changes. The logo consisted of a sun, a wing and a wheel with 8 spokes. But there are also many variations of this logo that differ in detail.
Wick Knob Logos of Other Countries