© Arto Hanciogullari und T. Tsekyi Thür


A quite rare brass column lamp, the column of which consists of 4 narrow, vertically ribbed brass tubes. Lamps with a similar column design with three or four narrow columns are occasionally found in Great Britain. This lamp, however, is either from Germany or Austria. The workmanship, ornamentation and high quality design remind me of Wiener Werkstätte, but there is no real clue. Lamp is to be dated 1900-1920.

The base is quite simple in construction, but is decorated with two rows of pearl strings, which we know well from Art Nouveau and Art Deco. The sheet brass vase is also solemn with the rows of garlands in cast brass. The font lid is decorated on the rim with a row of pearls to match the base.

The hand-painted Vesta shade came with the lamp. Normally, I would not fit tall column lamps with Vesta shades. Their pleasant light radiation onto the table surface is quite lost above a certain lamp height. For me, Vesta shades are the better shades for table lamps. However, with this lamp I am leaving the shade on because it came with the lamp and is probably from the same time period as the lamp itself.

The burner that came with the lamp was a flame disc burner (Herold burner by Brendel & Loewig), but the basket with the soldered shade holder was by Stübgen, very easily recognisable by the holes between the basket and the gallery. By a lucky coincidence, I got the missing Stübgen wick tube at another lamp purchase, which I was happy to use here on this elegant lamp to complete the burner.



Lamp Data

Added by me:
Wick tube of the burner.

Cleaning and repairs:
Not necessary.

Lamp body:
Base of sheet brass, decorated with two rows of pearls, Ø 172 mm. Iron weight under the base.
Column of 4 thin, ribbed brass columns, joined in the centre. Transition of the column to the vase also decorated with rows of pearls and garlands.
Vase of brass sheet, round, decorated with garlands of cast brass. Vase Ø 148 mm.
Drop-in font of clear glass, brass lid stepped and decorated with a row of pearls, Ø 148 mm.

14’’’ Kosmos burner of Stübgen, Erfurt, soldered with the shade holder.
Wick knob marked: Logo of Stübgen. Black glass inlay.
Flat wick 66 mm.

Glass chimney:
14’’’ Kosmos chimney. Height 262 mm, Ø fitter 53 mm.
Marked: Cristall Patent 14''' + crown.

Shade and shade holder:
Vesta shade, white milk glass, Art Nouveau shape, painted with flowers and decorative stripes, fluted upper rim with attached transparent rim.
Height 180 mm, Ø fitter 232 and bulge 262 mm.
235 mm shade holder for 14’’’/15’’’ burners; soldered to the burner.

Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 44.3 cm, total height with chimney 75.0 cm.
Total weight 4440 g.