A beautiful lamp in pure Art Nouveau style, which is supposed to be completely original. The old Vesta shade, flat rolled at the top, and the glass chimney, which also bears a beautiful Art Nouveau decoration as a mark, speak for this. The fact that the lamp and the burner came to me in a very dirty condition (I had to work on it for several hours to clean and polish it) indicates that components of the lamp were not subsequently replaced or renewed by a dealer.
The lamp body (base, column and vase) are made of heavy brass decorated with Art Nouveau patterns. On three sides are handles originally designed for this lamp, made of bronzed cast iron, which connect the base and the vase in a sweeping arc. In style I would classify the lamp between Art Nouveau and Art Déco and date it to around 1915-20.
The burner is a rather rare 20’’’ Champion burner by Hirschhorn. However, there is no evidence that the entire lamp is by Hirschhorn.
Lamp Data
Added by me:
I did not need to add or exchange anything. The lamp is probably completely original.
Cleaning and repairs:
No repairs were necessary.
Lamp body:
Entire lamp body made of brass sheet, embossed with Art Nouveau ornaments. Base Ø 151 mm. Between base and vase three decorated handles of bronzed cast iron, also with Art Nouveau ornamentation.
Vase is at the same time kerosene/paraffin font, Ø 143 mm. Extra filler with cap.
20’’’ Champion burner of Jacob Hirschhorn, Berlin.
Wick knob marked: Logo of Jacob Hirschhorn + 20‘‘‘. Black glass insert.
Original flame disc with hat-on-sieve-tube type.
Flat wick 95 mm.
Glass chimney:
20’’’ Matador chimney with slim bulge. Height 265 mm, Ø fitter 64 mm.
Marked: OM Matador (in Art Nouveau frame) 20'''.
Shade and shade holder:
Vesta shade, white milk glass, top rim flat rolled.
Height 159 mm, Ø fitter 233 and bulge 258 mm.
235 mm globe shade holder for 20’’’ burners.
Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 22.0 cm, total height with chimney 52.5 cm.
Total weight 2120 g.