© Arto Hanciogullari und T. Tsekyi Thür


A Belgian center-draft lamp made of embossed and perforated brass sheet by Albert Wauthoz in Brussels. Made probably around 1890-1900. Albert Wauthoz named his lamps with this special center-draft burner "Lampe Dite Electrique", probably based on the electrical lighting that was becoming increasingly popular at the time.

I found this lamp at an antique market in my area. It had literally turned dark brown and was badly soiled, so that you couldn't even read the logo on the wick knob. What was worse, however, was the broken connector between the vase and the base; the vase just hung loosely and at an angle. In view of these shortcomings, however, the price was so lucrative that the lamp accompanied me home. Only after initial cleaning I was able to identify A. Wauthoz's burner.

After thorough cleaning and polishing, the lamp shone completely different. I was able to repair the destroyed connector by sawing off the upper part of another, fortunately very well fitting connector and connecting it to the rest of the original connector of the lamp. I also had to solder some broken bars on the inside of the perforated punched vase.

The original globe holder of the lamp has an unusual size (Ø 110 mm). I only know of British gas lamps that have a bottom opening measuring 105-120mm in diameter. Instead, I installed here a French gas lampshade from the famous French crystal manufacturer St. Louis, although with an fitter width of 101 mm it is slightly smaller than the lamp manufacturer intended.



Lamp Data

Added by me:
Glass chimney, ball shade.

Cleaning and repairs:
I thoroughly cleaned the lamp, which has tarnished dark brown, and polished it with polishing paste. The broken parts of the vase are soldered from the inside. The destroyed part of the connector between base and vase is replaced with a new part.

Lamp body:
Base and vase made of perforated and embossed sheet brass. The base contains a lead weight. Base Ø 140 mm, Vase Ø 166 mm.
Drop-in font made of sheet brass, lid decorated to match the lamp, without extra oil filler, Ø 157 mm.

25’’’ center-draft burner of Albert Wauthoz, Brussels. This burner is actually the Universal burner of Wetzchewald & Wilmes, Neheim, Germany.
Wick knob marked: Lampe Dite Electrique Bruxelles A.W.
Burner marked on the side: Lampe Sans Suintement, A.W. Déposé.
Wick holder marked: A.W. Breveté.
Original flame disc as a large disc on tube.
Round wick Ø 35 mm.

Glass chimney:
18’’’ Matador chimney with slim bulge. Height 277 mm, Ø fitter 64 mm.
Marked: Cristal Universelle 18’’’ + initials JC in a circle.

Shade and shade holder:
French ball shade for gas lamps of St. Louis (model 6765 unsigned), half-open form, frosted colourless glass, deep-etched women's medallions and garlands, lipped fitter.
Height 164 mm, Ø fitter 101 and bulge 191 mm.
110 mm original globe holder for 20’’’ burners.

Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 28.7 cm, total height with chimney 61.8 cm.
Total weight 3040 g.